1. Loki in Mythology
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Loki Laufeyson (by Audrey Koch) |
Loki Laufeyson, a giant, a god and
a trickster of Norse mythology mesmerised people since times past. Maybe
it is because with his deeds he contributed to the fall of the Norse gods, the
Ragnarok, or maybe because he is an unfathomable and enthralling figure of the
myths of old. Loki is a person of many aspects which often contradict each
other and yet, as I´ll try to show later, precisely this contradiction is
among Loki’s most essential traits.
In the first part I will discuss Norse
mythology, because without putting him in a context one cannot really
understand Loki. I will pay particular attention to his character as
a trickster, as we find him (the trickster) in many cultures in the wide
world; and I´ll pose a question if Loki is really evil as often portrayed.
In the last part I will turn to his image in modern culture- in
literature, film and at last, but not least, pop-culture with the its main
representative- comics.
My interest for Loki stretches some 10 years into the past
when I first got a hold of a Czech translation of the Edda. The name Edda probably means grandma,
old woman, one who recounted tales in
Old Norse (although the etymology is really more than uncertain), in this case
I´m talking about a collection of Norse myths.
To be more precise, there are two „Eddas“: one is the
so called „Poetic Edda“ (known as well as Codex Regius, and in older literature as the older
Edda), which contains the eddaic songs or poetry, whose authors remain
unknown. The other one is the so called “Prosa Edda” or Snorra Edda- named for its author Snorri Sturlusson. Snorri was an
aristocrat and a learned man of the 13th century Iceland, who collected
myths, furnished them with an introduction, arranged and sorted them and he
even managed to connect them with the Trojan mythology cycle. Although this
sounds probably really odd for a contemporary person, for the Iceland of Middle-ages it meant a legitimisation of the classic
aristocratic scholarship, which in Europe was always linked to classical Hellenic
culture. In simple words, the significance of Edda for the Norsemen was as
great as the value of Illias and Odyssey for the Greeks and later for their
cultural heirs in Europe.
The Eddas are not the single, although probably the
most comprehensive, supply of myths and tales. There are records from other
scholars (Heimskringla of Snorri, Gesta Danorum in latin by Saxo Grammaticus)
and a rich source is introduced in Norse
sagas, where we learn not only about the gods, but about the everyday joys and
sorrows of plain mortals too (Konnungasögur, Íslendiga sogür, Fornaldasögur,
Riddarasogür, Graenlendinga sögur; Flateyjarbók). Further information is found also
in runic inscriptions on runic stones
and amulets (Rök Runestone, Möjbro Runestone, Jelling Stone, Kvinneby amulet
and many others).
Loki appears in this world, which in its mythology
encompasses Scandinavia, a part of Finland,
Denmark and the Germanic
north of Europe, Iceland and
Greenland. Like I mentioned before, Loki is
the one full of contradictions. It is he who induces the most ardent disputes
among the scholars of Norse and religion studies. None can concur in
a uniform definition of Loki: The brothers Grimm are at fault of the false
association of Loki with fire. Other scholars asserted, that Loki is only an
aspect of Odin, or a variation on the Christian Lucifer and had never
existed as an independent entity. Some of them call Loki the archetypal
trickster, others deny it, and one scholar is convinced, that Loki was
originally a spider. Loki truly is a stranger in the pantheon or
Norse gods, a newcomer, neither a giant nor a god (or both at
the same). He is never the main protagonist of the myth, but he can be found in
many of them and often he is the one who sets things in motion in Midgard and
in other worlds.
The mythology recounts usually 9 worlds:
Ásgard is the realm of the ruling gods, the Aesir, where you
find Valhalla and the residencies of the gods.
Their ruler is Odin, who is the Allfather, the Master of all 9 worlds. He is
the god of the warrior nobility and his wife is Frigg (sometimes compared to
the Greek Hera). Thor, the god of Thunder is the son of Odin (albeit not the
son of Frigg) and he is popular above all among the common people. His
attribute is his hammer Mjölnir, which only he himself can lift.
Vánaheim is the realm of Vanir, the agrarian gods- according
to a theory they existed before the advent of the warrior Aesir. Upon their
advance a great battle took place, in which Aesir were victorious. To secure
the peace, hostages were exchanged: Hoenir to Vanaheim went and Njörd and his children,
the twins Freyr and Freya (Freya is often identified as goddess of love) came to
Álfheim is the dwelling place of the Álfs, or Elves about
which we know but little. It is interesting, that only male elves are known,
and often they are guests on the feasts of Aesir. Svartálfheim is the home of the uncanny Dark Elves- if they were
dwarves or a separate race is not certain and regarding this matter the myths
remain silent.
Midgard, or Middleearth,
is the home to humans. It is connected to Asgard through the famous rainbow
bridge, Bifrost.
Jötunheim is the realm of the wild Jötnar, frost giants, and
originally of Loki as well. In Múspelheim
live the fire giants and their leader is Sútr. In Nidavelir live the dwarves
and at last (but not least), Niflheim
is the dwelling place of the dead and their Queen is Hel, the daughter of Loki. Niflheim is sometimes called Helheim after its ruler, and sometimes
it counts as an autonomous realm.
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Yggdrasil |
The world of the living and of the dead is separated
by Ginnungagap, a huge abyss filled
with eternal mists. Encircling these worlds is the sea, where the Midgard
Serpent, Jormungandr dwells. He too is a child of Loki. He is so huge and monstrous
that he bites his own tail. At the same time, however, it is he who holds all
the 9 worlds from falling apart. Central in the mythology is the world tree, the ash Yggdrasil which
grows through all nine worlds. At its roots is the Well of Wisdom that is
guarded by the giant Mímir and that hides one of Odin’s eyes exchanged for a
gulp of the wisdom bringing water. At his roots dwell the Norns as well, or the
Fates: Urd, Skuld and Verdandi who ordain the doom of this world and to this
even Odin must succumb.
Other gods who often appear in myths are Baldr, the
son of Odin and Frigg, who is loved by everyone; Týr god of war; Heimdall the
son of 9 mothers and the deaf guardian of Bifrost (but the better he can see),
Thor´s wife Sif, and Skadi, a giantess, who is the wife of Njörd for a time.
Loki, Lopt, Loptr, Hvedrungar
Into this world comes Loki as a stranger.
Although Jötun by birth, he is counted among the Aesir. His father is Farbauti and his mother Laufey, known as well as Nál: there are theories about her, that
she was in reality an ásynja (fem.
from Áss, a goddess) who rebelled and escaped into wilderness. For Loki it meant that his
very origin was impure, because it was a taboo for goddesses to conjoin
with giants (notice that it was not so the other way around! gods often had
affairs with beautiful giant maidens and were not rebuked for it). He had two
brothers, Byleistr and Helblindi (the latter thought to be Odin, because he was
half blind). There exist no myths about how, when and where, but probably at the
beginnings of time Loki was made blood Brother of Odin. That meant he got an
official status of As and a permit to
dwell in Asgard, although he didn’t own a residence. But he married the ásynja Sigyn, therefore it is probable that he lived in her halls, and he had
had two sons by her: Váli and Narfi/Nari.
Despite of being a blood brother of Odin the
other gods never liked him and always suspected him of lies and underhand
machinations. In myths Loki often figures as a fellow of Thor and Odin. It is
very important to know that he is a shape-shifter- he is able to change into
any person or animal (mare, fly, salmon) and he can even change his gender! He
is very shrewd, clever and cunning, he is skilled in magic and has a great
rhetoric. He is able to easily go through different worlds and he does so often.
Among his bynames are Silvertongue,
Skywalker, Liesmith, Scarlip, Father of Monsters, Father of Wolves, Thief of
Apples, Mischiefmonger, Trickster of Gods. His appearance is described as
handsome, often with auburn (or ginger) hair, a mischievous face and as slender
of stature. Unlike Thor he doesn´t rely only on his muscles but chiefly on his
eloquence and cleverness.
For understanding Loki one has to know the myths in
which he appears. Therefore now follows a short recounting of the most well
known stories with further references on the end of this article (or if you
click on the link after the title).
Sif´s golden hair, or how Loki came to be called
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Loki steals Sif´s hair (by Villy Pogányi) |
One day, for some reason or other, Loki came upon Sif
sleeping in the garden and thought it would be funny, if he cut her hair. So he
did, and when Sif woke up and saw her shorn head in the mirror, she started to
weep. When her husband, Thor came home and saw his wife like that, great rage
came at him and he wanted to kill Loki, for he was sure he was responsible for
the misdeed. However, Odin wouldn´t have killing of gods in Asgard, therefore
he decided, that Loki has to somehow recover Sif´s hair.
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The dwarves sew Loki´s lips shut (by Audrey Koch) |
Loki saw he had no other choice, so he visited dwarves
who were famous smiths. He flattered the sons of Ivaldi so much that they
agreed not only to smith hair of the finest gold threads for Sif, but they
decided to present other gifts to the Gods as well: a spear Gungnir which would find its target no
matter what and a ship Skídbladni
that could be folded up and fit into the pocket like a piece of cloth. But
Loki was not content and he went to other smith-masters, dwarves Brokkr and
Eitri/Sindri. He bet his own head, that they wouldn´t be able to create things
of greater marvel than the sons of Ivaldi. But lo! The dwarves forged
a magical ring Draupnir that would
drop other 8 identical rings every 9 days, a golden boar Gullingbursti which could fly through
the air, and the greatest thing of all, the hammer Mjölnir. Loki started to worry about his head, therefore he changed
into a fly and stung Sindri in his eye just as he was working the hammer´s
handle. And that´s why Mjölnir is not perfect, but its handle is shorter than
it was supposed to be. In spite of this mistake the gifts of Brokkr and Sindri
were judged more wondrous than the other three and the dwarves demanded Loki´s
head. But as Loki promised his head yet not his neck, they couldn´t claim their
prize. At last, to bring justice, Brokks picked up a needle and
a thread and sew together the Liesmith´s lips. From that time on Loki acquired a new
byname: Scarlip.
The birth of Sleipnir (Gilfaginning, Hyndluljód)
One of the most popular myths is that of the Building of
the walls of Asgard. After the war between the Aesir and Vanir the walls of
Asgard were in ruins. One day a strange mason showed up and claimed that he could rebuild the walls
in no time and the only reward he demanded was Freya for a wife, and Sol
and Máni (the Sun and the Moon). The gods were outraged at the giant´s
insolence- for the mason was s giant- and wanted to kill him, but at Loki’s
advice they at last settled with the giant: if he could build the walls until the
summer solstice and if he would do it alone, he should have his reward. So the
gods swore. The giant accepted but for one exception: he would need the help of
his horse, Svadilfári.
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The eight legged Sleipnir |
The gods thought no harm in this and it proved a
mistake. Svadilfári was no common horse but helped his master so much that it
was clear the giant would win. Suddenly everyone started to blame Loki, because
it was his advice to accept the mason. Under a death threat Loki had to
somehow halter his work and the only way he could think of achieving this was
to transform into a mare in heat and seduce the stallion, Svadilfári. And
so he did and the mason started to chase them and he did so for three days, but
he couldn´t catch them. When it was clear he would lose the bet, he returned to
Asgard and started to rampage and yell that the gods broke their oath and so he
would claim Freya for his own. Fortunately, in that moment Thor returned and
before asking anything, he killed the giant with his hammer.
As to poor Loki, after he seduced the stallion he
couldn´t deny his reward and when he returned to Asgard in several months, he
lead with him a gray foal that he himself birthed in the form of
a mare. It was Sleipnir, the wondrous eight legged horse, which he gave to
Odin. At the same time he publicly admitted the greatest shame that could
happen to a Norseman- namely giving birth.
Thrymskvida, or Thor the Transvestite.
One day Thor woke up to find out that someone stole
his precious hammer. The culprit was the giant Thrym and he was willing to
return the hammer in exchange for Freya as bride. Freya was outraged at this
proposal, but Thor was about to throw an angry fit, so the gods and Loki thought
up a great plan.
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Loki and Thor prepare for the wedding (by Hellanim) |
After much persuading the two of them went to Thrym
and were seated at a wedding table. Thrym wondered, how could his bride eat so
much and Loki answered: “She is hungry because she couldn´t eat for a week, so
excited was she to see you.” When Thrym tried to lift “her” veil, Thor shot him
a deadly glance and Loki rescued the situation once again: “Her eyes are so
fiery because she couldn´t sleep for a week from excitement”. Finally Thrym laid
the hammer as a bridal gift into the “bride´s“ lap and Thor shod his dress and
acted as usually: he smashed everything to bits. This including Thrym´s skull,
that of his mother, sisters and whole family, his hall and his whole house as
Father of Monsters (Hyndluljód)
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Loki, Angdbora and their brood (by Hellanim) |
Loki had a consort in Jötunheim as well,
a giantess called Angrboda. On her he fathered three unsusual children:
a serpent Jormungandr, a half dead- half living girl Hel and Fenrir,
a wolf that was the doom of Odin. For some reason Loki took his brood
with him to Asgard but soon it was clear, that they couldn´t stay there. The
serpent and the wolf grew and grew and Hel was just creepy. Therefore
Jormungandr was cast into the sea, where he continued to grow until he
encircled the 9 worlds and bit into his own tail, Hel was banished to
underworld, where she ought to rule the dead in Niflheim. Finally, the gods
bound Fenrir with a magical rope and imprisoned him deep underground,
where he should stay until Ragnarok. This happened at the cost of Týr´s right
hand. None seemed to ask Loki, what he might think about this.
Idunn´s apples (Skáldskaparmál)
Once upon a time Odin and Loki went to Jötunheim. They
got hungry on the way and decided to slay and roast one cow of the cattle they
came upon. However, the meat wouldn´t roast no matter how long they let it hang
above the fire. Then Loki noticed an eagle perched on the near tree and knew
magic was at the work. The eagle said he would help to roast them the meat if
he got a share for himself. They agreed and indeed, the meat was soon
ready. But the eagle started to gorge himself hungrily and Loki, afraid that
nothing would remain for him, smote the eagle with the spit. The eagle took off
and strangely, the rod and Loki as well stuck to the eagle, who flew to his
residence, for it was none other than Thjazi, a giant well skilled in
magic. He agreed to release Loki, if he brought him Idunn and her apples of
eternal youth, and Loki agreed, fearing for his life.
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Loki and Idun (by John Bauer) |
After he returned to Asgard, Loki lured Idunn out of her
garden and as soon as they left the walls Thajzi appeared in the form of an
eagle and snatched the goddess away. It didn´t last long until the gods noticed
something was amiss. Without Idunn and her apples they began to age like common
mortals! They started to blame Loki instantly, because who else could be
responsible if not the Mischiefmonger?
So Loki had to return to Thjazi and kidnap Idunn back.
To succeed he went to Freya and borrowed her falcon feathers and in this form
he flew to the giant. He then changed the young goddess into a sparrow and
they both flew back. However, Thjazi noticed their escape and pursued them all
the way to Asgard.
The gods noticed what was happening and they started
a great fire on the walls. The agile falcon and the small sparrow managed
to slip through the flames, but the great feathers of the eagle caught on fire
and so Thjazi found his death in the form of an eagle.
Loki´s challenge.
Thjazi´s death had an aftermath. His daughter, the
beautiful maiden Skadi, came to Asgard to complain about the unjust death of
her father. To appease her, the gods promised her, that she could choose
a husband among them, and so she did. The lucky one was Njörd. Her other
demand they couldn´t fulfil- it was to make her laugh. That´s when Loki came
He led a goat into the hall, picked up
a rope, of which he bound the one end on the goat´s beard and the other end
on his own genitals. Then started a thug of war and everyone though it
hilarious and finally, even Skadi laughed out with mirth. At last, Loki freed
himself from the painful coupling and exhausted fell on Skadi´s lap. This
performance didn´t improve his already damaged reputation.
Útgardaloki- Doppelganger? (Gylfaginning)
It happened so that Thor and Loki made a trip into
Jötunheim. On the way they encountered a mysterious giant named Skyrmir, who
managed to trick them several times, to Thor´s great dismay- he even tried to
pacify him with his hammer, but didn´t succeed. At last the arrived in Útgard, where dwelled the king of
Jötnar, Útgardloki. It was none other
than Skyrmir, and he treated them well, provided they wouldn´t refuse a contest
or two. One of them was an eating contest, in which the ever hungry Loki gladly
volunteered. He was to compete with Logi in eating meat. Loki, confidently,
gorged a whole half of the enormous portion, but Logi, who was fire
personified, ate not only the other half, but even the copper cauldron which
contained the food. Thor lost as well in three matches; nevertheless Útgardloki
was so impressed by his strength, that he acknowledged his might and quickly
disappeared together with the whole palace, for he was a master of magic and
illusions. This episode is interesting in that it features an alter-ego of
Loki, the “Underworld Loki”, who masters magic just like the god Loki.
Unfortunately very little is known about him - only that there is some uncanny
connection with the Asgard Loki.
and the mistletoe or the Death of the beloved son (Baldur Draumar, Snorra Edda)
were the following matters that brought the doom upon Loki: Baldr, the
handsome, smart and clever god, son of Odin, who was beloved by everyone, began
to have nightmares. They were about his own death. Baldr, frightened by them,
ran to his mother Frigg and she talked to her husband, Odin. How could they
turn fate? At last, Frigg took an oath from everything on the earth that they
wouldn´t harm Baldr no matter what: people, animals of all kind, insects,
stones, weapons, fire, poison and water, even giants and other creatures, they
all swore not to hurt Baldr- because as we already know, Baldr was beloved by
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Loki guiding Hödr´s hand (by Audrey Koch) |
this all the gods rejoiced and they came upon a great idea, namely that they
would throw all kind of things at Baldr. They tried spears, arrows and stones,
but everything just fell down without injuring him.
Loki didn´t like this kind of sport. Maybe he simply didn´t like Baldr after
all, or he just wanted to have fun after his fashion. He noticed the blind god
Hödr, Baldr´s brother, standing gloomily by side: because he couldn´t see, he
wasn´t able to throw things on his sibling. So it came to pass that Loki
finally found the minister of his amusement. For what Loki knew, but the others
didn´t (except for Frigg) was, that there existed one thing on the earth which
didn´t swear the oath, after all: it was the tender mistletoe, which Frigg
thought too young to cause any harm.
Loki crept upon the blind god and whispered to his ear: “Don´t be sad, Hödr. I
can help you in such a way that you could amuse yourself just like the others.”
was delighted and he took from Loki a longish object, which was a mistletoe
bough, but he didn´t know about that. Following Loki´s commands he threw the
bough on Baldr- and it pierced him and the young god fell dead to the ground.
couldn´t deny his guilt. Everyone saw him- and he was promptly punished with
death. The others knew however, that he was not the only one responsible.
Naturally they all suspected Loki, who disappeared immediately after the
wept while they prepared a funeral ceremony for Baldr. He was to be laid on a ship
which was then set afire. The gods wept the more, because he didn´t die a
valiant death and therefore he would be denied an honourable place in Valhalla among other warriors. On the contrary, he had to
go to Hel in Niflheim, where went women, children and men who died in bed and
not on the battlefield. But Frigg wouldn´t reconcile with the death of her
beloved son. Therefore they sent Hermodd, another offspring of Odin to Hel to
plead for the return of her son. Hel agreed upon one condition: everyone and
everything in the world had to cry for Baldr. Frigg rejoiced for she was sure
this would happen: who wouldn´t weep for Baldr? He was beloved by everyone!
he wasn´t. As Frigg learned later, a certain old giantess named Thökk refused
to shed tears for him. And so Baldr had to stay in Hel.
who was that mysterious Thökk? It´s your guess (a hint: who liked to
shape-shift and mess up the plans of the gods?).
gets drunk (Lokasenna)
if Baldr had died, life went on, and so went the feasting. Aegir, a giant who lived on the shore, gave a great banquet one day
where he invited the gods of Asgard as well. Mead flew in rivers and plates were
heavy with delicious food and the gods had a good time. Only the poor Thor didn´t,
because he had a different pastime: he was on the north and east killing
giants. Suddenly an unwelcome guest appeared: Loki. He got into a fight with
Aegir´s servant, which ended with the death of the latter. Loki made off only
to return again. Not wishing to interrupt the feast anymore, Sif offered some
mead to him. Loki´s tongue loosened by mead (not that he´d need much of that
anyway), he started to accuse each and every god and goddess off some
perversity: Freya of incest with her own brother, Freyr, Indunn of infidelity
to her husband Bragi, Bragi of cowardice; Heimdall of sexual deviations
(enjoying golden rain and such) and even Odin of ergi: that he dressed in female clothes and did woman´ s work
(meaning employing magic). Ergi was a
very grave insult for brave Vikings because it attacked their very manhood. But
Odin repaid with the same currency: Loki too did female work- he milked cows
and what worse, he himself bore children and suckled them! The tension grew and
it culminated upon Thor´s arrival. Loki immediately accused him of cowardice
and taunted him, that he won´t be even able to save his own father when Ragnarok comes. Thor got furious and threatened to smash his skull with his
hammer and he had to repeat his menace several times until Loki escaped.
binding and punishing of Loki and Ragnarok (Völuspá, Snorra Edda)
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Loki´s punishment (by sandara) |
was beyond doubt that Loki had to be severely punished. He hid himself in a
house in a valley, which he built himself: it had windows on all four walls so
he could see if someone approached him. While waiting he amused himself by
inventing things, like a fishing net. Meanwhile Thor with a few companions went
to search for Loki and soon they discovered him. He tried to escape in that he
changed to a salmon and leaped into water. Yet Thor was too swift and packed
him by his tail- and since then salmons have a narrow tail paddle.
dragged Loki back to Asgard and punished him more than brutally: Odin changed
one of his sons, Váli, into a wolf, who in that form tore up his own brother
Nári. So Loki was bound with the intestines of his own son above three sharp
stones, in a cave deep underground. In addition Skadi hung a snake above his
head, whose poison dripped directly on Loki´s face and it caused him great
pain. His only solace was his loyal wife Sigyn, who held a bowl under the snake
to catch the poison. Yet when she had to turn away to empty the bowl, the
poison dropped down and in that moment Loki experienced tremendous torments and
twitched and shook so badly that he caused earthquakes.
don´t know how much time went by between Loki´s bounding and the end of the
world, but if you asked Loki, I´m sure his answer would be: too much.
any case, the End of the World came after many earthquakes and a great winter, Fimbulwinter which lasted three years. Then Fenriswolf strained his muscles
and finally broke his ties and rescued his father as well. The wolves Skoll and
Hati swallowed the sun and the moon and darkness descended on the earth. Loki
returned to his homeland and gathered a terrible host: his own kin, the
frostgiants from Jötunheim, trolls and other monsters. From the fiery Múspelheim
came Sútr, a giant ablaze with glow and with him came the fire giants.
Jormungand crawled from the sea and stood by side of his father, Loki, and his
brother, Fenrir. His massive body heaved an enormous wave, on which swam up the
giant Hymir on the grisly ship Naglfar and brought more giants on the
Odin called upon his einherjar, the fallen warriors, who could finally enjoy
their fighting skills long honed in Valhalla.
On his side stood the Aesir, Vanir and the Elves and the Valkyrjur bore their
shields. After Heimdall sounded his great Gjallarhorn, the battle started on
the field of Vigríd. In that terrible war the world tore apart and the sea
spilled over the ground. As prophesied the gods lost: Fenriswolf killed Odin
and was killed by the god´s son, Vidar. Týr met his fate in the hellhound Garm
and they killed each other. Sútr´s sword ended the life of the handsome Freyr.
Jornungand attacked Thor and even if he died, the god didn´t rejoice in his
victory: he perished from the serpent´s poison. Loki´s adversary was Heimdall
and both of them fell. To end it all, Sútr burned the nine worlds to ashes.
Gods were dead. Long live the Gods! Only Baldr and Hödr
escaped the fate, because Ragnarok didn´t pertain to the realm of Hel. And it
was Baldr who became the ruler of the new, better world, which arose from the
Doom of Gods.
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Loki and the Rhinemaidens (by Arthur Rackham) |
is the short summary of the myths with Loki. They are not the only ones,
however! You can find Loki entangled in affairs as well, which led to the
undoing of the Niebelungs (Reginsmál).
Loki was regarded as well as the father of the monstrous race of wolves, the
wargs, which he conceived and bore himself after consuming the heart of a
giantess (Hyndluljód), and you can
find him in many other myths (for example in Fjölsvinnsmál, Skáldskaparmál, Heimskringla).
the second part I will discuss Loki´s trickster character and consider some
different interpretations of the well known myths, and the question of Loki´s villainess gets particular attentionas as well.
To learn more about the myths and Loki you can read these books:
Loki, by George Dumézil, 1959
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs, by John Lindow, Oxford University Press: 2002
Myth and Religion of the North, by Gabriel Turville Petre, Greenwood Press: 1975
A Dictionary of Northern Mythology, by Rudolf Simek, Boydell and Brewer: 2002
Prolonged Echoes: The Myths, by Margaret Clunies Ross, Odense University Press: 1994
Myth and Religion of the North, by Gabriel Turville Petre, Greenwood Press: 1975
A Dictionary of Northern Mythology, by Rudolf Simek, Boydell and Brewer: 2002
Prolonged Echoes: The Myths, by Margaret Clunies Ross, Odense University Press: 1994
some useful links:
The Baldwin Project (myths in eglish)
The Iceland Sagas (Íslendigasögur)
The Children of Odin (by Padraic Colum, illustrated by Villy Pogányi)
remark on etymology:
to the gods, there seems to be a lot of misuse of their name. The singular form
is an Áss [ah-as], and the plural is Aesir [eh-sir]. People seem to use Aesir for singular, which
is wrong, Please, do not do it! Note the difference. The same goes for Vanir-
it is a plural form!
feminine form is Asynja [ah-sin-yah] for singular,
Asynjur [ah-sin-yur] for the plural.
Regarding giants, it´s Jötun [yoe-tun] for sg, Jötnar [yoet-nar] for pl. A seeres is a völva, pl. form is völur.
Regarding giants, it´s Jötun [yoe-tun] for sg, Jötnar [yoet-nar] for pl. A seeres is a völva, pl. form is völur.
Bude aj slovenská verzia? Mne sa po anglicky nechce! :D
ReplyDeleteDada / Trojveršie.sk
Som slepýýý, slovenská verzia existuje! :D Tak pardón! XD
DeleteDada / Trojveršie.sk
hahaha....tak si si vsimla napokon....lepsie neskoro ako nikdy ;)
Deletelen Lokiho som fakt chcela aj po anglicky napisat, aby si to potom precitalo aj viac ludi :)